The Britannia Association is your point of contact for your BRNC reunion and facilitates all the organisation – collecting money, liaising with the College, caterers, security and corresponding with those attending.
Allowing you to just come along and reignite those BRNC friendships.
Are you in touch with anyone from your entry year? Why not set up a WhatsApp group to generate interest and spread the word.
Saturday 9th January 2027
Afternoon – BRNC Guided Tour and Parade Drill
Evening – BRNC Training Update; Pre-Dinner Drinks Reception; BRNC Command Welcome; Black Tie Dinner in the Senior Gunroom with accompanying wine and port; BRNC Band; Late Bar
Sunday 10th January 2027
Morning Chapel Service followed by refreshments served on the Quarterdeck.
Tickets: £90.00 per person (£85.00 for Britannia Association members) – all-inclusive (pre-dinner drinks, dinner with accompanying wines and port)
The decision has been taken that the dinner element of the reunion event is for BRNC graduates only. However, partners are very welcome to join the Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning elements.
For further information please contact the BA Office on 01803 677 565; Mobile: 07415 850 619 or email