
Eligibility & Types of Membership


Membership to the Association is open to and encourages support from:

  • Any serving or retired officer of any section of the Naval Service
  • Any serving or retired officer of the Royal Naval Reserve Service
  • Any serving or retired officer of a Foreign Naval Service who has served at BRNC for more than ten days
  • Any officer from the Army or Royal Air Force who has served at BRNC for more than ten days
  • Any civilian victualled in the wardroom who has served at BRNC for more than ten days
  • Widows and widowers of officers of the UK Naval Service

Your membership, underpins the Association’s charitable aims and objectives, making a positive contribution to the development of the current era of young naval officers – “giving something back”

Types of Membership

Life Membership

A single subscription of £400.00, which represents life long membership to the Britannia Association

Ordinary Membership

An annual subscription of £25.00 for membership to the Britannia Association

International Life Membership

A single subscription of £100.00 for life long membership of the Britannia Association for NON-UK NAVAL SERVICES

The Britannia Association is well founded enjoying an established office within Britannia Royal Naval College.  The Britannia Association independent of both Britannia Royal Naval College and the Ministry of Defence. It answers to its Trustees under charity law and continues to grow from strength to strength meeting its charitable aims and objectives.

The Britannia Association is a registered Charity No.  1158111