The RAG Club Member Events – Sailing Talk – “Swallows & Amazon, Sailing, and me” Illustrated talk by Sophie Neville

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Tuesday 1st October at 18.00 | The Drawing Room | £10*
*Includes a glass of Wine on arrival

The Army & Navy Club Yacht Squadron (nee Sailing Circle) is delighted to invite all Rag members and guests to attend this talk by Sophie Neville and her husband Simon, who met thanks to her leading role in the iconic film “Swallows and Amazons”.

Any member with an interest in the book, the film, the Lake District, sailing, or indeed just a convivial evening at the Rag listening to an accomplished speaker, is very welcome.

The RAG Club Member Events – Lunch with Sir Howard Davies

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Wednesday 2nd October at 12.30 | Clive Room | £65.00*
*Includes one glass Wine on arrival, 2 course Lunch with Coffee, and 2 glasses Wine with the meal

Sir Howard Davies has been one of our most notable public servants; stints as the deputy governor of the Bank of England, and director of the London School of Economics, chairmanships of, among other bodies, the UK Airports Commission, the London Library and the Financial Services Authority, and an involvement with the Tate as a trustee.… He was also once a judge on the Booker Prize panel.

As well as this, Sir Howard has held the highest office in the private sector, most recently as chairman of NatWest. Over lunch, he will share his thoughts on a life that has featured mixing with many of the great and the good, beginning at the Foreign Office followed by secondment to the Treasury and the role of principal for monetary policy for two years when Nigel Lawson was Chancellor of the Exchequer. 

The RAG Club Member Events – Coffee + Connect

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Thursday 12th September 11.00 - 12.00 | The Drawing Room | £10.00 per person*

The Clubs 'Coffee + Connect' series has proven to be a great opportunity for Rag members to meet one another, share experiences and make new connections. Members Sarah Galbraith and Peter Mathews CMG look forward to welcoming you to this very enjoyable event.  A table will be booked in the Ribbon Bar & Terrace for those wishing to join Sarah and Peter for lunch afterwards.

*The ticket includes an assortment of Cakes with Tea and Coffee


Saturday 7th September 09.30 - 15.00 | £50.00 per person

Join Chef Hart in the kitchen for a Culinary Masterclass with Stuart and his team. The day will start at 9.30am with pastries and after a quick health and safety briefing you will be shown to your stations and guided through the ingredients of the day. The masterclass is followed by a sumptuous 2-course lunch in the Coffee Room with a couple of matching wines to taste.

The RAG Club Member Events – Fireside chat with Colonel Stuart Tootal

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Wednesday 16th October at 18.30 | The Drawing Room and Zoom | £15.00 per person*
               *Includes one glass Prosecco
              *£10.00 for those joining via Zoom

John Humphreys was a Royal Engineer when war was declared in 1939. His service ultimately included the Battle of Arnhem Bridge, as part of the Parachute Regiment whose defence of the location 80 years ago was immortalised in the film, “A Bridge Too Far”. Prior to that, he experienced the fierce fighting of the North African desert, and two stints as a POW after being captured, escaping the first time to rejoin comrades in the fight against Hitler. He ultimately joined the SAS.

Colonel Stuart Tootal, himself with a distinguished military career to his name before becoming an acclaimed author and historian, wrote “The Last Para”, a book he produced in partnership with John Humphreys, before he died in April this year, aged 102. “The Last Para” is an account of John Humphreys’ unique experience at Arnhem and serves as a fitting memorial to the last survivor of this battle, elevated in the public’s mind by Hollywood’s take on the conflict.

The RAG Club Member Events – Trafalgar Dinner

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Friday 18th October at 19.00 | Pall Mall Room | £90.00*
*Includes one glass Champagne, three course Dinner with Coffee, half bottle Wine and Port

As is tradition, the famous Battle of Trafalgar is commemorated at the Army and Navy Club by hosting a dinner in Pall Mall Room. This year, they are welcoming Professor Peter Roberts as the Guest of Honour. Members of the Rag are invited to join for welcome drinks reception in The Marlborough Suite followed by a three-course dinner surrounded by Ballin’s Battle of Trafalgar Painting series.

The RAG Club Member Events – Army & Navy Club Yacht Squadron

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Tuesday 31st October at 18.30 | The Library | £85 per person* | Black Tie and Miniatures
*The ticket includes a welcome drinks reception followed by a three-course dinner with half bottle of wine each

The Commodore and Flag Officers of the recently constituted Rag Yacht Squadron are delighted to invite all club members to their inaugural formal dinner to mark the end of the season.

The RAG  have secured as an after dinner speaker the Army’s current Rear Commodore Offshore Racing, Lieutenant Colonel Will Naylor who will be giving a brief but entertaining summary of “Soldiers at Sea”. Members will be able to discern from the attached biography the range of interesting experiences Lt Col Naylor can speak about.

All members with an interest in sailing and the sea, plus all who enjoy a traditional dinner at the Club in convivial company, are welcome to apply for tickets below.

The RAG Club Member Events – Lunch with Keith Lowe

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Tuesday 5th November at 12.30 | Library | £65.00*
*Includes one glass Wine on arrival, two course Lunch with Coffee, and two glasses wine with the meal

During the Second World War, Naples was a city of major strategic value in the Mediterranean. Throughout the period of German occupation from 1940 to 1943, a grip initially loosened by a four-day local uprising, the allies heavily bombed the site. Then when liberated in October by armoured patrols of the King’s Dragoon Guards and Royal Scots Greys (along with America’s 2nd Airborne Division) after the native insurgence, the story of which became a film, the Luftwaffe’s worst rained down on the liberators and locals. Naples ultimately paid a heavy price for being on the Winter Lines that were central to the German strategy for holding on to Italy.

Keith Lowe is a greatly respected military historian who is an acclaimed chronicler of the Second World War and aftermath. His latest book, “Naples, 1944”, considers the challenges the city faced during the war and thereafter. The allies arrived at a city in turmoil which presented obstacles to restoring normal life, over and above continuing efforts to contest fascism.

Join Keith for lunch and a shared conversation at the table about this nuance of the Second World War and the wider issues of almost siege-states that some cities had to endure. Also the strategy of relentless bombing with the author having written a book on the experiences of Hamburg, which came under sustained attack in the year of Naples’ liberation, costing the city 45,000 lives and living 38,000 with injuries.

This is a lunch which will look at war, approaches to war, and the consequences of war in the company of an expert in all those fields who will both share his thoughts and answer questions from members and guests in attendance. Also a lunch to celebrate the citizens of Naples who bravely paved the way for allies of equal fortitude.

The RAG Club Member Events – Jazz Evening

The Army and Navy Club 36 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

Friday 8th November at 17.00 | The Smoking Room| £35.00*
*The ticket includes one glass of Champagne on arrival and snacks 

The RAG are delighted to welcome Lana-May & her spectacular Jazz Band, specializing in the 1920s-1930s New Orleans Traditional Jazz, Blues and Swing! Members and guests are invited to join in on an immersive, authentic jazz evening through her musical expertise, soulful playing, and captivating stage presence.

Prepare to be transported back in time to the 1930s gin bars of New Orleans and Montmartre, dance the night away and be thoroughly entertained with this truly stunning act.